Have you ever wondered how much of your paycheck is really available to spend frivolously. If you buy that new toy today will you have enough money to cover bills and expenses that will occur months from now? Sure, there are some big and expensive home money management software packages that can do this for you but they sometimes hide the simple fact that good money management is nothing more than tracking money in (income) vs. money out (expenses) over time.
My Ca$hflow is a fun and easy-to-use program that helps you visualize your short-term and long-term cash-flow. Unlike most money programs this product focuses on your current cash situation as it stands today and what the outlook is for the days, weeks and months ahead. There is no need to enter detailed receipts for what you have spent since its not concerned about the past or how you got to where you are. How you calculate or keep track of your current financial position is up to you (Quicken, shoe box, calculator, etc.).
I originally developed this product to help my teenage children manage their Cash Flow as they entered the work force. They continue to use it on a weekly if not daily basis. As the product matured I too have Abandoned my traditional Spreadsheet based cash flow system for this product and use it daily to manage my Household cash flow. Its simple and fun to use for everyone. Give it a try and let me know what you think. I'd like to hear from you. You can download the latest version from the table below.
This version displays dates using your regional settings. For example, if your region is set to the United States the default short-date format is "mm/dd/yy" whereas in Canada or Australia it would be "dd/mm/yy". All dates entered and displayed will respect your setting for the short-date format.